SKIKK and the Environment
As a sustainable company, we are increasingly focusing on ecological and environmentally friendly products. Products that are less harmful to the environment and that are made by people who have received a fair wage for this.
Let's start with the most important: "How are we doing?"
Since January 2021, we have saved the below amount of CO2 by, for example, switching to more sustainable materials and ways of production and/or compensated by protecting and planting forests worldwide together with WWF. Many companies use production forests for a kind of greenwashing of their company, but this is not a sustainable solution. The trees that we plant and protect together with WWF therefore remain perpetually existing and managed, so they are not production forests.
Trees planted and/or protected together with WWF:
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Co2 savings and/or compensation:
Total compensation : 304.393,46 KG
This data is updated monthly and further supplemented and specified in the future. Together we fight to protect and restore the earth with open information.
SKIKK and the World Wildlife Fund; Plant 1 trillion trees
We can turn the tide together with WWF. We provide living forests and a livable earth. Our common goal: to protect or plant a trillion trees by 2050.
Climate Compensation
For every SKIKK laptop or desktop sold, WWF plants 1 tree that will remain healthy forever. You will receive the first from us and you have the option to compensate more in advance and afterwards by means of extra trees. And with our most durable laptops, such as the SKIKK Green series, we even plant 2 as standard.
Why do we do this? Each laptop supplied by SKIKK, supplied with 'grey' electricity, produces approximately as much CO2 per year as a single tree can convert into oxygen and biomass per year. By compensating for this consumption for the period of 1 year, you can use your laptop even more pleasantly, so we not only ensure that you have a pleasant laptop to practice your work or hobby, but also that you use it. in the knowledge that by ordering it from us you are thinking of the environment.
Our Green series laptops have an ecologically constructed housing, to stimulate this extra, we even reimburse the 'grey' power consumption in Co2 compensation for 2 years with these devices.
In 2030 we want to ensure that:
- 50% of all forests worldwide are protected or well managed;
- deforestation has stopped;
- 350 million hectares of forest have been restored.
Protect areas
We strive to create protected areas and help to manage them properly. We do this by involving the local population in the management of the area, training rangers and purchasing aids such as radio equipment.
Forest restoration
We restore forest in areas where it is most needed. We restore the soil, plant trees and protect these areas. For example, we help the elephant, the jaguar and the orangutan by reconnecting separate forest reserves in which they live.
Sustainable production, trade and agriculture
We encourage responsible use of the forests outside the protected areas. Together with the local population, we develop sustainable production methods for forestry, fishing and products such as Brazil nuts, coffee and rubber, in order to cut down less forest for agriculture or livestock.
In order to be able to work towards nature conservation, it is very important to know what needs to be protected and whether the way in which this is done is still the right one. That is why we investigate, among other things, how many animals and which species there are in areas.
Predict deforestation
Deforestation is therefore a major problem. But if we can predict where and when forests will be cleared illegally, we can intervene in time and even prevent deforestation. The Early Warning System (EWS) warns before illegal deforestation takes place.
Completely recycled. That is our goal.
We strive to make the best products in the world with the highest quality materials. But sometimes the available materials do not meet the high standards we set for purity and reliability. And so we come up with new methods to address those problems. Such as the development of a special magnesium alloy for the housing of the SKIKK Green and LYNX series that is recyclable without compromising on quality.
All the paper we use is responsibly produced. For example, the wood fibers in our paper come from recycled or renewable sources and no synthetic whiteners are used. Where possible, paper is printed on both sides to avoid unnecessary paper waste. Invoices are no longer printed with orders, but sent via email in PDF format and receipts are printed on BPA-free thermal paper. When our suppliers need new fibers, they source the wood from responsibly managed forests.
When packing and preparing orders for shipping, the most environmentally friendly packaging is used. Cardboard boxes (recycled cardboard), paper (recycled paper, not chemically bleached), eco-friendly tape (instead of the standard plastic packing tape).
Packaging (such as boxes and packaging chips) received from suppliers is reused. If necessary, suppliers are repeatedly called upon to use environmentally friendly and reusable packaging.
Waste is carefully sorted and recycled where possible (for example, non-reusable cardboard boxes of packaging), presented separately to the waste collection services for recycling.
Clean energy
Renewable electricity
Our Experience Center, office and data center works for 100% on renewable electricity from Vattenfall (formerly NUON). Which has committed itself to the goal of "fossil-free living within one generation"
"At Vattenfall, we put all our energy into achieving that one goal: fossil-free living within one generation. It's a big challenge. But it's also important to look at the positive steps that are already being taken. This is how we produce more fossil-free energy. We are determined to make a difference. "
Reusable parts
Many of our customers, for example, still have RAM or an SSD that can easily be taken to their next laptop or computer. We therefore actively promote to buy a new laptop without SSD or memory, and to reuse this part. In this way, together we ensure less over-consumption and we actively take steps against the waste society.
Right to repair
We believe that products should last longer, so if they are broken, they should be repaired. This requires products to be designed for repair.
The new reparability requirements adopted by the European Commission on October 1, 2019 are a step in the right direction. But this is not enough in our opinion. There are still many manufacturers in the world who do not allow the product to be opened, upgraded, downgraded, repaired, etc. SKIKK's philosophy is at odds with this; all our customers are entitled to this. In this way we extend the life of our products and give the customer "real" ownership of the product. Are we there yet? No, there is still a long way to go. For example, we are working on making repair manuals available online, etc.
We use DHL for our transport as standard. DHL has set itself the goal of reducing all logistics-related CO2 emissions to zero by 2050. To reduce the impact of logistics on the environment, DHL minimizes the use of fossil fuels and natural resources. Through innovation and efficiency in logistics processes and transport, DHL can drastically limit the burden on the environment. DHL thus fulfills an exemplary role in the field of sustainability in transport and logistics.
Responsibility of Suppliers
We set the highest standards for ourselves and our suppliers in the areas of labor and human rights, health and safety in the workplace, environmental practices and responsible sourcing of raw materials. Suppliers are approached several times if necessary.
Solidarity and diversity
We believe that we can only achieve our ambitions if employees can and dare to be themselves. We are therefore proud to be an LGBTQ-friendly company. With different perspectives and talents, we are able to be more creative and innovative and know how to better understand and serve the customer.
Sustainable banking
With ING's Terra approach, we also opt for sustainable banking.
Fresh fruit is available at our head office for all our employees. This fruit is organic as much as possible and from local farmers
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