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SKIKK update Juni 2021

Published on 04 juni 2021

We have plenty of news again this month. Following feedback from our customers, we are constantly trying to innovate and raise the bar, for ourselves but also for the entire industry. In this update, we took you through the latest improvements:

Orders delivered faster:

Improvements in our supply chain and expansion of our team enable us to deliver faster. We were able to halve most delivery times.

14 day dead pixel warranty is now included for free.

The screen is the most important part of any task on your laptop. That's why we take screen quality so seriously. Every laptop that leaves us goes through an extensive checking process. We are so convinced of our quality that from today we offer free 14 days dead pixel guarantee. Optionally, you can of course still expand this while composing your SKIKK product.

Free returns:

No more hassle at the post office to get a label and no more costs for you as a customer. Whether you want to cancel your purchase within the reflection period after receipt or have had an accident and therefore need a repair. From now on you will always receive a free shipping label for your return in the Benelux. (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) Later this year we hope to add other countries to this service.

Time for reflection now also for business customers:

Consumers are already entitled to a statutory cooling-off period in accordance with the Distance Selling Act to cancel their purchase. Nothing is regulated by law for business customers. Unfair right? We think so too, which is why we no longer make a distinction for business customers from today, unless something else is specifically agreed upon. 

A green but also transparent future:

As a sustainable company, we are increasingly focusing on ecological and environmentally friendly products. Products that are less harmful to the environment and that are made by people who have received a fair wage for this. With our partners such as WWF, we are taking steps to combat deforestation and plant 1 trillion trees together.

Our next steps include making the entire industry more sustainable and far-reaching transparency. You can expect regular updates soon with our progress towards a 100% sustainable future. It is exactly clear what our CO₂ Emissions are, how this is achieved, how green this was achieved and how we compensate and/or reduce this. The end goal is always to reduce to zero.

You can read more about this at:

Plea for EU legislation to exclude 'Deforestation, conversion and human rights violations:

Together with WWF and other partners, we support an 'industry statement' against deforestation.

In 2020, WWF, together with 170 other organisations, called on European citizens and companies to ask the European Commission to develop sound legislation against deforestation and destruction of nature. WWF garnered nearly 1,2 million signatures, the highest number ever in an EC 'public consultation' on an environmental issue.
The European Commission is currently working on this legislation and will present a draft proposal in June that will give all companies in Europe a level playing field. We support this of course, but want to ensure that legislation protects not only forests, but also all valuable nature. A call from progressive companies to politicians would therefore be very effective. WWF has taken this initiative with a number of companies, but they are not co-sender themselves. Signatories to date include Ahold Delhaize, SKIKK, Sodexo and Lidl.



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