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Plea for EU legislation to exclude 'Deforestation, conversion and human rights violations

Published on 04 juni 2021

Together with WWF and other partners, we support an industry statement against deforestation.

In 2020, WWF, together with 170 other organisations, called on European citizens and companies to ask the European Commission to develop sound legislation against deforestation and destruction of nature. WWF garnered nearly 1.2 million signatures, the highest number ever in an EC 'public consultation' on an environmental issue.
The European Commission is currently working on this legislation and will present a draft proposal in June that will give all companies in Europe a level playing field. We support this of course, but want to ensure that legislation protects not only forests, but also all valuable nature. A call from progressive companies to politicians would therefore be very effective. WWF has taken this initiative with a number of companies, but they are not co-sender themselves. Signatories to date include Ahold Delhaize, SKIKK, Sodexo and Lidl.


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